VoceVista Video 5.5.0
We are proud to release VoceVista Video (Pro) and Overtone Analyzer 5.5.0. Apart from numerous general fixes and refinements, this release focuses heavily on improving the Sound Generator in order to make it easier to model and understand vowel adjustments during pitch changes. We will soon create new tutorials and examples that explain this in more detail.
Another focus of this release has been to fully support the latest versions of macOS and Windows, and to generally improve performance and stability of the software.
New Features
- support for macOS Monterey (minimum required macOS Version is now macOS Mojave 10.14)
- support for Windows 11 (minimum required Windows Version is now Windows 10)
- Color Legend
- improved Full Screen mode
- improve accuracy of colormap interpolation to enhance visual quality of spectrogram and spectrum
- New colormaps: Jet, CMRMap, Inferno, Viridis, Plasma, Magma
- revise Analyzer Output options dialog
- make drawing of unfiltered spectrum optional
- review Main Menu and Context Menus
- review and simplify the View menu
- move various ruler-related entries to the Filters menu
- synchronize the context and menu-button menus for spectrogram and spectrum
- on tab context menu, rename “close all but active” into “close other tabs”
- revise Sound Generator UI
- allow to import custom melodies from overtone sliders
- new feature to apply pitch curve to resonance path for simulating vowel adjustments during pitch changes
- add command for deleting all resonance path nodes
- refactor rulers and resonance lines
- Model Resonance Curve
- ability to sync rulers across files
- separate stationary rulers and resonance rulers
- rulers can be moved with the mouse on the Spectrogram and Spectrum
- revise Analysis View
- add new analysis type for measuring strength of Harmonics
- review and improve workflow of using Analysis View
- add separate note label display options for Analysis View
- invert sort options for frequency and db for Spectral Peaks and Harmonics Analysis
- better diagnostic info for support requests, including a new tool for measuring system performance
- new FFT Window Functions: Dolph-Chebyshev, Blackman-Harris, and Flat-Top
- improved command-line interface
- make ASIO support optional to avoid problems on some systems
- improve safe-mode startup
- new option to set displayed polarity of audio and EGG signal
- Manage License dialog will now link to the license admin page, so that users can manage their activation count
Performance enhancements
- smoother scrolling during recording and playback
- avoid spectrum flickering during recording
- less CPU load
- new option to disable Sleep mode during recording and playback
- upgraded many system libraries, including audio backends
- report Vibrato Extent as deviation from mean pitch and prefix it with ‘±’ character on Analysis View
- improve support for graphics compatibility mode on older PCs
- fix mouse sensitivity on high-resolution screens
- fix visibility toggle for Pitch line
- fix Spectrum sometimes disappears during recording
- fix crash when invoking “copy to second window”
- fix crash when moving overtone slider below visible range
- fix various issues with display of scales at different zoom levels
- fix rulers only being displayed in one tiled window
- fix display of sharp note names in Helmholtz notation
- fix Spectrum sometimes not updated when changing Frequency Filter
- fix Analysis View not being updated in some contexts
- fix localization of dates to respect system settings better
- fix file tabs display with many open files
- fix various icon rendering issues on high-dpi screens
- remove the default marker content “File Description” and instead show help text that is not written to the file
- improve Sound Generator validation of octave step
- improve alignment of note names on piano
- add missing context menus and context menu titles
- various other bug fixes