VoceVista Video / Overtone Analyzer

User Manual and Reference Guide

Sygyt Software


1. Introduction
1.1. Why a new software?
1.2. What can you do with VoceVista Video Pro?
1.3. Who is VoceVista Video Pro for?
1.4. How to use this manual
1.5. Installation
2. Quickstart Tutorial
2.1. Prerequisites
2.2. Configuration
2.3. Recording
2.4. Scrolling and Zooming
2.5. Play selection
2.6. Spectrogram & Spectrum
2.7. Frequency Filter
2.8. Overtone Slider
2.9. Summary
3. Reference Guide
3.1. User Interface
3.1.1. Overview
3.1.2. Scrolling and Zooming
3.1.3. Selection
3.1.4. Timeline and Waveform
3.1.5. Analyzer View
3.1.6. Frequency Filters
3.1.7. Overtone Sliders
3.1.8. Vowel Chart
3.1.9. Markers
3.1.10. Statistics Pane
3.1.11. Vibrato View
3.1.12. EGG (Electroglottograph) Display
3.2. Settings
3.2.1. Recording Settings
3.2.2. Playback Settings
3.2.3. Analyzer Settings
3.2.4. Acoustic Analyzer View
3.2.5. EGG Display Settings
3.2.6. Colormap Editor
3.2.7. Scale Settings
3.2.8. Note Slider Settings
3.2.9. Fundamental Ranges
3.2.10. Selection and Pointer Settings
3.2.11. Keyboard Shortcuts
3.2.12. Fonts and Colors
3.2.13. Advanced Settings
3.3. Loading and Saving
3.3.1. Loading and saving Audio Files
3.3.2. Saving Images and Screenshots
3.3.3. Loading and Saving Overtone Slider Layouts
3.4. Editing Audio Files
3.4.1. Undo / Redo
3.4.2. Cut / Copy
3.4.3. Paste
3.4.4. Delete
3.4.5. Crop to selection
3.4.6. Normalize
3.4.7. Replace with silence
3.4.8. Insert silence
3.4.9. Fade in / Fade out
3.5. Sound Generator
3.5.1. Fundamental and Overtones
3.5.2. Modulation
3.5.3. Resonances
3.6. Profile Manager
3.6.1. Workflow
3.6.2. Profile Categories
3.6.3. Predefined Profiles
3.7. Troubleshooting