This concludes this quickstart guide. You have learned the basics of how
to record and visualize sounds with VoceVista Video Pro and had an introduction to the basic features and interface elements of the program. The main steps to
remember are:
Select the microphone to be used by right-clicking on the Input Volume control on the toolbar.
starts the recording. will start playback or stop the current recording or playback.
Always monitor the input volume during recording to prevent
clipping.Use the pointer on the Frequency Scale and Time Scale for scrolling and zooming. Click
& drag to scroll; use the mouse wheel or the 1 and
2 keys for zooming.The Long-term view shows a time range with the Spectrogram and/or fundamental pitch. The Short-term view shows a detailed close-up of the time where the cursor is in the Long-term view.
Make a time selection by clicking and dragging on the Spectrogram while pressing the
Command key on Mac, or the Control key on PC. The
selection will be played in a loop if looping is enabled.The Spectrum shows the intensity (or volume) of the individual frequency components of a sound. The Spectrogram shows how the Spectrum changes over time.
Adjust the brightness and contrast sliders on the toolbar to show the desired amount of
detail in the Spectrogram and Spectrum.The Frequency Filter can filter out individual harmonics or frequency ranges and allows to listen to them individually, or to remove them.
Use the Overtone Slider to count and hear the theoretical harmonics that belong to a particular tone.
Next Steps
For a more detailed description of the interface elements introduced here, have a look at the chapter called User Interface in the Reference Guide.